Post by simon on Apr 14, 2007 13:20:19 GMT -5
In light of a PM I received elsewhere (do the matc), I saw fit to drop out as a whole. And in doing so, I took all characters I contributed with me. This INCLUDES The Rockstarz, in whom I control One half of. Because of this, The member Misaki, AKA Sila Aoso saw fit to drop out of XWA on some tit for tat shit. Which is spineless AND childish, as what happened was between me and the APW MANAGEMENT behind the scenes. For any other members here who are a part of "there", if you feel you want to take the same action, do so. But know that in leaving XWA you're leaving the REAL successor of LXW. You see what we have here, and you see how fast it's growing. If you feel yur ego is bigger then that, there's the door. We're not babysitters here, we're Mods and Admins. Simple as that. We have no time for childish games and whinefests. I didn't whine. I stated a fact, and I left. I didn't feel wanted there, and none of the core members there chose to work with me, so I made the logical choice, sent Chantell a PM stating I was leaving, posted on the Prelim card to drop my matches, and I left. Now...if by chance they decide to go on with my matches and have my caws get thrashed, then you'll know just what kind of peopl are running APW. from there I leav it up to you. But as for XWA, we're moving on. And I'm now exclusively a part of XWA and TNB. That's about it.
Post by Chris Lionheart on Apr 14, 2007 13:26:48 GMT -5
I miss all the good stuff now that I'm not as knee deep in OOC politics as I was last year, PM me details for my own curiosity?
Post by gallas on Apr 14, 2007 13:27:45 GMT -5
And I stand by his words FIRMLY. His decision to leave was based SOLELY on account that there's no point being in a fed with people who choose not to RP with you. And we ALL know he tried his best to stay civil in light of recent happenings. glad to have you back full time, dude.
And as he mentioned also, to those who are here who feel as Sila did, which is as illogical as it comes, but that's his opinion. Feel free to leave if that's what you choose to do. But know that XWA give ALL it's members a CHOICE on matters, instead of forcing ou rules down your throats. This thread will be left open if you feel you have something to say.
Post by makhaveli on Apr 14, 2007 13:40:21 GMT -5
I feel a need to say something. The reason for this post is that I really, and I mean really hate it when people think they can bash other guys, that are probably not even knowing they aren't liked or just getting flamed at because for the sake of making an EXTRAORDINARY ego even bigger. If you don't like a Federation, fine. NO ONE CARES. Drink a tall nice glass of shut the fuck up and keep it to yourself. No one wants to hear you or anyone else how you are a bitching, whining and moaning 500 pound piece of monkey crap. I am serious on this matter. I mean, I have really got flamed at, maybe just bashed at without me being able to defend myself. You know why I haven't said anything? Because I don't give a shit. People that think they get literally "hated" and are not being wanted are most likely persons who actually did the same shit. They made people feel uncomfortable where they are or where, for that matter. You can bash, flame, make fun of me. I don't care. Quite frankly, I'll just say it out loud that I have an ego. But I keep it together. Hell, nothing against them in person since I don't know them, but some of our own member talk shit about nearly everything, just because they think they're better, speak have an uncontrolable ego. For example, I heard from a member that at one night, the member was online in our Cbox. The member also told me that they were constantly bashing other roleplayers, maybe even Federations as a whole. I don't know the whole story, so I won't get deep in to this. My point is that if you aren't on here for the fun of roleplaying and having a good time with members, then either get the fuck outta here or just lean back and don't get your candy ass involved.
Post by gallas on Apr 14, 2007 13:46:44 GMT -5
Which way was that directed?
Post by makhaveli on Apr 14, 2007 13:47:46 GMT -5
To each and everyone who reads it. I don't give a fuck who you are or where you've already been etc. It's just fucked up.
Post by scott on Apr 14, 2007 13:50:55 GMT -5
For the sake of not getting bashed over the skull by management again, I'm going keep my words short and sweet. I agree on one part, if you feel you're not wanted in a place, you leave. Simple. But to play tit for tat and leave because someone else did? That's bullshit. That's the move of a coward. From my reading Kaoz always tried to keep thing level. He tried to stay on there ship, but when you get boxed in as he was, it leaves you little choice. I'm all for the move, That goes without saying. I think I made it clear how I feel about the other place.
Post by gallas on Apr 14, 2007 13:51:51 GMT -5
Noted Mr. Fatal.
Post by simon on Apr 14, 2007 13:54:11 GMT -5
Thanks for keeping it PG Scott...
This is NOT A FLAME POST FYI. This is a place to state your opinions. UNLIKE the other places, we value the opinions of our members, positive OR negative. That's what will make us grow.
Post by velvet on Apr 14, 2007 14:10:54 GMT -5
There is no reason to use what happened in another fed as a reason to leave another fed. Especially when you weren't apart of the arguement. Same thing with a rper. Just because you don't like the person is no reason not to interact with their character. There are various people that I may not like but I won't stop interacting with their character because of it.
Similar is bashing a character and a fed. Fine, you're going to do it but be mature about it. If it's a fed, send a polite pm to the Admins, SUGGESTING, a change and what you thought. There's no reason, to go around other boards, or cboxes and saying "This fed sucks" all the time, every day. It makes you look like an ass and then people won't want to interact with you.
If it's a person, send them a polite PM making suggestions. I learned this one the hard way. Don't send a PM ripping into them or post on the boards or cboxes doing nothing but ripping into them. Bashing people or feds this way, is childesh, annoying, and unneeded. Most likely if you're doing nothing but bashing people without being the slightest bit mature, you did something wrong to them as well.
Mostly, I'm just tired of hearing people do nothing but rip into other people and feds without any proof and doing it in a way that is extremly immature and unneeded.
Post by ashley on Apr 14, 2007 14:47:44 GMT -5
Does that mean Heather is on her way back to New York???
*Clutches the Diamond Title nervously*
Post by simon on Apr 14, 2007 14:49:34 GMT -5
maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe...I have been wanting to bring one of my girls in, since I've got 3 of my males already here. Heather just might be the one (with an OBVIOUS makeover).
Welcomed Guest
Hail Destroyer
Posts: 703
Post by Trouble* on Apr 14, 2007 15:47:23 GMT -5
Don'tcha got Pretty Fighter Sayuri or whatever her name is??
Post by simon on Apr 14, 2007 16:43:34 GMT -5
The caw was created for a member who didn't have a caw of there own. She's handled by someone else.
Post by Kimberly Angelos on Apr 14, 2007 16:47:15 GMT -5
*feels left out because shes a newbie to everyones inner circle*