Post by Keith Wyle on Jul 2, 2008 20:49:53 GMT -5
The show rolls on as the Fabulous Fabiola comes on the titantron Good Evening ladies and gentlemen at this time I'd like to welcome "The Wyldman" Keith WyleThe crowd lights up as Keith walks into scene Yes, yes ladies and gents of HOT-lantaKeith perks his ear up with his finger as the crowd gives him that hard earned cheap pop Such a cheap pop......Yea but who does it betterThe Wyldman is here....and I came here to check and see if Hotlanta knows what time it is...What time is it?Is it time to hit the club?The twenty-somethings give Keith a cheer Is it time to find that Phatty girl fellasWoof and howls echo from the crowd... Phatty Girl?I'll explain it to ya laterNo no....IT'S TIME FOR THAT........WYLE STYLE!!!!!! Keith smirks as he looks out, supposedly in the crowd Now I'm gonna keep this short and Sweet now tonight everyone is running around like their heads are on the line, and like always The Wyldman does things different....it's real simple, My Dance partner for the last month is doin......aw hell I don't what he's doing..so that gives me a rare opportunity to sit back and watchHuh Wyldman taking a night offand take notes on who comes out Champ after tonight and then The Wyldman will then choose his title and call his shotThe Wyldman chasing Championship Gold or Platinum again...Finally! I've been missing Championship WyleStyle for some timeSo this is Warning to all the champs including the Tag Champs I gotta couple guys on speed dial just for the occasion.....You've All been put on Notice....