Post by punch on Aug 22, 2007 21:22:06 GMT -5
No bad talking Genesis, or I might just lose all respect for you. Sure, he can make bad decisions sometimes, but don't think for a minute that he isn't loyal to the ones that show HIM proper respect. Like Lionheart, Shia, etc... They treat him with the proper respect, he treats them with the proper respect. When Lionheart and Shia felt they were being treated unfairly, and left- so did he. And as for the Shia situation- the way I look at it, his leaving was justified. His CAWs weren't within the XWA's standards? He leaves. Rather than change his creations to suit OTHER PEOPLE'S NEEDS, he left. Why is that wrong? It's HIS CAW to work with, isn't it? And isn't it about the RPing anyway? Which takes me to their efedding careers in general... Don't think for a second that they're done with. These guys could RP the pants off of a few guys on this board, and will continue to do so for as long as their real lives will allow them. END! And I suggest this thread be locked now. Didn't this guy quit IC for some reason or another? But now you wanna try and DEFEND a pair of guys who basically put egg on there own faces? If you don't like people calling a spade a spade, Do what they did. LEAVE.
Post by ashley on Aug 22, 2007 21:26:55 GMT -5
Simma down there, Punchy. You can only expect there to be SOMEONE who'd be sympathetic to there end of things. That still doesn't change it from being absurd though.
Post by van on Aug 22, 2007 21:30:37 GMT -5
If Genesis wasn't treated with RESPECT, he wouldn't have been granted two title shots in a row, PLUS a shot at the KoC title from which Lionheart created. So do come again with that one. You have no idea what went on into Genesis' leaving NOR do you have any idea what goes on behind the scenes in XWA, between 3x, Lionheart, Omega AND myself. So in that, you comments are pretty unwarrented. Further more, I could care less about if you respect me less or anyone else on the board less for "bad mouthing" Genesis. The fact of the matter was and IS this, he might be a good role player, but he's a BAD APPLE. And bad apples ruin the bunch. Damien Juarez anyone? Same thing. A good role player who thought he was bigger then the people who ran the respective feds he was in. The end result of his actions? He's pretty much STUCK in VWE with his character because no other fed wants a part of him OR his crap. Ditto for Genesis. Genesis went to APW, ruffled feathers, and got ceremoniously ousted from there fed, by way of an encounter with Pornstar, who we ALL know is handled by one Jonny Pyro, who runs FCW. So let's see, APW's kicked him out, and Pyro has VERBALLY stated that he doesn't like the guy. Only other place for Gen to go is what??? VWE, where ALL of the guys in APW and FCW are basically dug in. Lots of luck him even gettin' outta the gates there. In XWA, we dont do politics. We do an EFED. And right now this efed is the best in the business. You can try and sugar coat it all you want, but just look at the membership jump within the last MONTH compared to our "competition". People want to be here, because this place is about quality, and UNLIKE any of those other places, this place is about LOYALTY. The base members of XWA have stuck to being XWA, and when someone comes along and tries to stir the pot, that person losses face. And in regards to Shia, there are RULES IN PLACE that STATE that movesets must be made to be COMPETITIVE. How fair would it be if I used my tournament version Evan Fate in XWA that pretty much targets the body? Shia opted to pull his people because STAFF, that being 3x told him A WEEK prior to the show that Tessa's moveset had to be changed. We've told PLENTY of members over the months the same thing when they submit and invalid moveset. Further more it is STATED IN RIGHTING by 3x in THIS POST... XWA Moveset RegulationWhat the consequences of submitting an invalid moveset would be. So in all fairness, 3x tossed Shia a BONE giving him a week to edit TESSA'S moveset. It wasn't even all of his caws, Just Tessa and Angel Storm. Tessa, who conveniently was booked in a title match. Much rather then play by RULES THAT'S BEEN IN PLAY, he opted to tuck tail and leave. And as Kayn said himself: "If you're that egotistical to think that an efed circles around you and your characters and that you don't have to follow rules, then screw you and kick rocks" We as STAFF even abide by these rules. ALL versions of our caws are edited versions of our original caws because the original version are made for actual PLAYING of the game, not simming. So the original versions of them have far stronger movesets. If 3x were to use the ORIGINAL and and TRUE Jon Payne in XWA, NO ONE would be able to beat him. That's just plain fact. And FORGET if I used the actual non-efed version of Primo. The rules are put in place to make ALL CAWS competitive. The members who are able to find a balance in the guidelines placed for movesets, are the ones who's caws have won more then lost. And that DOESN'T count for our own. Hell, Ryan Fierhart is now JUST over .500 with 7 wins and 5 losses, where as a "needlestack" guy like Nick Jones, who wasn't that active has slipped into a quiet 5-1. No records DON'T matter in XWA, but despite that, we want our matches to play out competitively. THAT'S the reason why even now, with just two months left in the season we're STILL trying to find ways to make matches longer and more competitive. Members who wish to take shortcuts with "Hunter" moveset do NOT factor into the XWA equation. roughly the 95 total people that make up the XWA roster (And I say 95 because there are a few who control more then one character) GET IT. She didn't, was called out on it by 3x, and tucked tail instead of adapting. Call it what you want, most will call it plain old selfish. Some, Like Punch would call it stupid. Me, I call it a show of one's "True Colors". The fact remains that this ship is the TIGHTEST ship because unlike VWE which has rules out of the wazoo, we have VERY few, but we enforce them to the LETTER (Ask Scott O'Dell, he'll tell you). We keep this place fair and fun, and if anyone sees to disrupt that, they can do what both of them did. Leave. It was there choice, sure. But after November, there's gonna be FAR less choices out there. The bottom line, we didn't blacklist either of them. They did that to themselves. Because no matter where they go, it's not even what they did in TNB that'll follow em. It'll be what they did in XWA that'll define there efed careers. And unless the two of em up and start there own, I don't see much of a career left for either of em. Something things you can't stave off, and this is one of them. You go to FCW and APW and see if they'll ever even CONSIDER having either of those two in there fed. I've only been here a month or so, and even I was approached by 3x in regards to an unfair moveset. I'll admit, my initial reaction could have been better, but when Kaoz explained it to me, basically in a nutshell as to what he said above, it made sense. But I didn't up and yank my character because of it. That selfish, can't say it any clearer then that.
Post by punch on Aug 22, 2007 21:33:56 GMT -5
Bottom line, if you don't like the idea that your caw might get it's fuckin' ass kicked, DON'T JOIN AN EFED. Point blank and period. Defend him all you want, he's still a tool for leaving for such a lame duck reason. Speaking from my own standing, I've got NO respect for the guy. And seeing as I don't know you, Mike, I could careless if you have respect for me as well. You're not even a real member anymore.
Post by gallas on Aug 22, 2007 21:38:43 GMT -5
Ok, Jon-boy. Calm down. You said what you had to say, and a majority of people pretty much agree with you. Most of staff agree with you. As Ashley said, there's bond to be people that don't. Take it in stride. The point that bares the biggest weight is that XWA moves on. Two men overboard, but ship just keeps on sailing.
Post by psycho on Aug 22, 2007 21:46:52 GMT -5
All this happened about a week ago pretty much. It's over....and theres no since in dragging it out any longer.
As Gallas said, XWA's going nowhere unless him AND 3x both lose internet. A few people left, it's not going to hurt the fed and theres no since in arguing about it.
Post by ashley on Aug 22, 2007 21:50:08 GMT -5
He's so easily excitable LAY OFF THE HASH JONNY!!!
Post by Thr33XWA on Aug 22, 2007 21:51:50 GMT -5
I'm trying to make this as short and blunt as possible here, so it comes off sound a bit intense or harsh, it's not intentional.
It's been said a great deal over the past few months a little something called "give and take". You give, we give, you take, we take. That's how anything goes when you have more than one person involved. Simply stated, we have rules that are in place to maintain two constants: order and balance. ORDER on this board as far as member relations go and BALANCE as far as the in-game activity goes. When someone creates DISORDER or IMBALANCE they are addressed accordingly.
Now as far as Shia goes, I agree with you, they are his CAWS. He might have very well seen being prompted to change a moveset as being force to water them down, but hey...rules are rules and they aren't there just to be there. For the record I only approached him for the moveset for ONE CAW, Tessa...as all the rest of his were under the guidelines. He chose to drop that and subsequently all his CAWS because he chose not to follow the guidelines of which he would eventually have been removed for anyway, so he saved us the trouble.
Those moveset guidelines are in place to create a balance between the CAWS in game as much as possible as there are some moveset wizards out there, and there are those who are not, and I don't want there to be a curve or at least too much of a curve between them. Can you say there are DOMINANT caws here in the XWA? Nope. Even the mighty Draco has been beaten. Amber Gianni made Jon Payne tap out, and XXL who looked unbeatable with the National title was finally felled by Genesis. You have winning CAWS but you don't have anyone boasting 15-2 records like you do elsewhere. Maybe one 11-1 record thus far, but in HER case that's an overall tally between TWO feds, so yeah...she really IS that good. To counter what Kaos said, all of my CAWs who are used in XWA are the SAME ones that you find on my saves. Nothing watered down or altered and from general consensus they perform as well on someone else's game as they do here in this fed, so making a GOOD CAW without making a CHEAP one is very possible, and I have as I did with Shia offered assistance in doing just that.
Anyway, it's basic mathematics here and Shia chose subtraction. I and most of the rest of the people here are not going to cry over him or Genesis leaving. Is that because we don't care? No...it's because we're here for a reason and since they aren't here then naturally some will lose concern for them, and in some cases have words towards them because there are people here who are more into HERE than they were apparently.
Now speaking of Genesis, I find it funny how apparently he's crying about how he was being mistreated. That I assume is what he was crying in the Toronto fed, but don't hold me on that. Honestly, if he thought he was going to ride his run in TNB towards the top of the XWA and have big time matches against the rank and file here right off the bat, he honestly shouldn't have even bothered to join. That's not the kind of business we run here. We reward hard work but we don't kiss ass. Genesis was granted the opportunity to to hold two titles in this fed, and truth be told had he not been in the KoC picture hwe would've been chosen for the BTC matches and a potential World Title shot. Proof positive that you get out what you put in.
So what he probably didn't have a flawless record here, wins and losses aren't what make the top stars the top stars, and it has to be said AGAIN for those who don't seem to get it...this isn't TNB. The style of simming, the game settings, the sliders used here. etc. are EXPONENTIALLY different from the one's Lionheart used, so guess what? That unbeatable icon of the TNB Avenger is 0-3 so far. The "King Of Controversy" gets bled by Primo. It happens. Deal with it or go someplace else where you think someone is going to just let you try for the top spot without showing your worth. Guess what, winning and lose holds LITTLE to NOTHING in doing so. Genesis succeeded in showing his worth despite the fact he wasn't satisfied that he won every match he was in, but then Genesis left, so all that goes to shit. Simple as that.
I'm going to go into one final thing now. It doesn't matter who you are to me or where you've been or what you've done. I see a lot of people putting up fed histories in their sigs dating all of their accomplishments to date. The only ones that matter in the XWA are the ones that happen in the XWA, and even if you don't have a long list of titles under your text and clever logo graphic, the one that sits above your avatar should be the one that you are the most satisfied with. XWACombatant/Diamond/Tag Team. That means that you're a part of something big. That means that you are here because you want to have fun in an environment that allows total creative freedom and is CONSTANTLY thinking of ways to make things more fun and more FAIR to everyone. We bust our asses for you members and there's not much we expect in return...log-in, post, have fun, meet people, doesn't sound too hard does it? If it suddenly comes down to the point though where you have to prove that you're the greatest RPer on the planet and that you're better than everyone else out there and that your CAW kicks all kinds of ass nonstop and should'nt ever lose a match OR you have a problem with people voicing their opinions about freinds of yours who aren't here because they left for selfish or semi-selfish or whatever reason, do yourself a favor...
1) Click your name that goes to your profile. 2) Click Modify Profile. 3) Click Delete Account. 4) Repeat as necessary.
We'll be just fine, I assure you.
With that this case, this subject and this thread is closed adn the show...once again...goes on.
Post by avenger on Aug 22, 2007 22:09:42 GMT -5
To add what 3X said since he mentioned the TNB and my unbeatable caw. Things were run different. Like the sliders, simming, and even the rankings. I guess you could say things are different in all places. Like how FCW, VWE, APW, and any and all efeds. Here in XWA there are more rules and regulations that guys must follow like the movesets and so on. So with new efeds you must test your caws with other creations depending on these sliders, moveset regulations, etc.
You are in here to post and build your character. Can't really depend on your past successes even though everyone uses those to their advantage at times in their rps. Basically that is what real wrestlers do to either gain "face" or "heel".
Some may have a hard transition with new ideals and change can be difficult to some. It is how you understand and adapt to new surroundings. Yeah my caw is 0-3 like 3X said but I keep busting my tail in my rps to develop him more in here. We all want to win and the competiveness at times can be a double edged sword if you allow it to destroy you instead of make you. So even with my 0-3 record, I have went back to the drawing board to do some things to hopefully become a better CAW. I, as well had to change alot of my moveset. Believe me this CAW is not what I had in TNB but I did it with no regret and sent the save to 3X quickly.
Again, we as an efed keep arguing about what is right or wrong will do nothing but split the efed or have alot of sour feelings in it. It is the members that make the efed. Yeah Staff has alot to do with it as well because they bring us the product. But the bottom line is as well as you got strong members and develop their product and spend less time complaining about this and that the better the efed will be. I am not sure on the departures fully but lets move on. It is about time we let the decision of them leaving be what it is.
Post by Chris Lionheart on Aug 22, 2007 23:14:05 GMT -5
If Genesis wasn't treated with RESPECT, he wouldn't have been granted two title shots in a row, PLUS a shot at the KoC title from which Lionheart created. So do come again with that one. You have no idea what went on into Genesis' leaving NOR do you have any idea what goes on behind the scenes in XWA, between 3x, Lionheart, Omega AND myself. So in that, you comments are pretty unwarrented. Further more, I could care less about if you respect me less or anyone else on the board less for "bad mouthing" Genesis. The fact of the matter was and IS this, he might be a good role player, but he's a BAD APPLE. And bad apples ruin the bunch. Damien Juarez anyone? Same thing. A good role player who thought he was bigger then the people who ran the respective feds he was in. The end result of his actions? He's pretty much STUCK in VWE with his character because no other fed wants a part of him OR his crap. Ditto for Genesis. Genesis went to APW, ruffled feathers, and got ceremoniously ousted from there fed, by way of an encounter with Pornstar, who we ALL know is handled by one Jonny Pyro, who runs FCW. So let's see, APW's kicked him out, and Pyro has VERBALLY stated that he doesn't like the guy. Only other place for Gen to go is what??? VWE, where ALL of the guys in APW and FCW are basically dug in. Lots of luck him even gettin' outta the gates there. In XWA, we dont do politics. This isn't directed to the staff, but rather to everyone. I'd like to clear up one big misconception that's been going around. APW didn't boot Genesis out. Genesis left of his own choice when Pryo, like Pyro does, downtalked Genesis and TNB in one of Pornstar's 'IC Promos'. As far as I'm concerned the only people who should be talking about TNB is XWA or TNB characters inside of an XWA RP or OOC post. But, I know Genesis decided to leave APW on his own as a direct result of that (and a general feeling of boredom with the fed), I know this because I was the guy Genesis came to inbetween Pyro's post being posted and Genesis leaving APW. And to my knowledge, Genesis simply deleted his APW account and drifted out of the woodwork and into XWA as an exclusive member. Unless I'm missing something, I have no idea where the 'APW booted Genesis' idea came from. Pyro was at one point a TNB staffer, that point still a WCW efed. He was heavily depended upon at the time he left (and he knew it too.) For when he left TNB, Pyro was the World Champ, 'Chi-Town Crippler' Punk was the US Champ, and was involved in a feud with Dynamite. He was so much apart of the efed at the time of his leaving that just a week before, the different brand's rosters had been traded around to accomodate an upcoming 'Inner City Saints' storyline. Then all of a sudden, he and Vegas (another staff member with CAWs in delicate positions) leave on the same day, for much simillar reasons. Vegas to run APW along with Kahn and Showtime; Pyro to do about one week's worth of LXW siming, before starting FCW. The fact is that Vegas/Pyro left on the same day, for basically the same reason, and that left us with no storyline, and a fucked up roster. WCW was left without a World champion, United States Champion, General Manager and without a sorely-needed body in the Women's division. I have no problems with Vegas, per sai, it's just that his departure was kind of sudden and hurt TNB greatly. Whilst I did know at some point he was starting up a new fed, I didn't realise that would automatically mean he would leave TNB; much less leave on the same day, right when we were depending greatly on him, as Pyro did. Although it had been planned for a while, Pyro and Vegas' abrupt, and somewhat fishy, departures forced WCW to pull all brands together and evolve into TNB over the course of a week, just so we could restore some order to the chaos. For whatever reason, from the little amount of time I have wandered over there, Pyro seems oddly proud about that. Some 8-plus months later and TNB is still getting ripped into at those feds. And people wonder why I never joined APW or FCW? Why I never say much about Pyro or Vegas anymore? So when Pyro, and a few others who left under suspicious circumstances, talk smack about TNB.. it's not surprising that after a while, the guys who dug their heels in and stayed with TNB through the good and the bad get pissed off, and eventually leave. I just thought I'd clear the Genesis/APW thing up for people who aren't properly in-the-know. Also... Nobbs was only trying to keep the peace and offer a nugget of what Shia and Gensis's point of view may have been. He was not walking up and down the frontline with a target strapped to his back. Lets not kill the peacemaker if we can help it.
Post by gallas on Aug 22, 2007 23:50:40 GMT -5
It begs to be said that they had there reasons for leaving. Whether they be just or foolish. Point is, they're gone. And as 3x said, the show goes on. So this thread is CLOSED. Any posts after this one gets deleted.