Post by punch on Aug 17, 2007 22:56:49 GMT -5
...But I gotta say this SOMEWHERE. Shia Storm's handler yanks all of his characters because his caws have cheesy movesets, and he got called out on it by the admins? WEAK!!! I'm sorry, you can dock me RP points or whatever, but that's bullshit. Because things don't go your way, you decide to pull out and take all you people with you? I'd understand if it was something unfair, like you were on a serious losing streak, or people on the board disliked you. But from what I saw in my brief time here, Shia was a respected member (Key word "WAS") that people got along with, and his caws did win a buttload of matches, all be it the reasons are pretty fuckin' obvious from what I gather in the NAT Title situation post made by Thr33x. So rather then change his moves and face the fact that his caws will probably get pwnt without 16 damage moves all to the head in a single grapple, he flakes on XWA. I'm speaking for no one but myself when I say FUCK YOU SHIA STORM. I'll take whatever bit of punishment the admins feel they have to give me, but I needed to get my opinion out there. That's some lame duck shit, and there's not even a remote way you can sugar coat it.
Post by xwa on Aug 17, 2007 23:07:20 GMT -5
I've apparantly missed something.....
Anyways, whats done is done. It sucks yes, but some people react differently, and some just straight up dont like losing and will do whatever they can to ensure it. Of course, the staff steps in and says no, then they end up leaving.
Let me say this. This will not hurt XWA in the least. One person does not make, nor break XWA. We will move on. This is hardly a minor bump in the road.
I understand your rant. If there is a punishment, I'll leave that to the admins. Just try to keep the language down to a minimum if possible.
Post by gallas on Aug 17, 2007 23:12:12 GMT -5
Aside from that part in bold, I've gotta say I'm in complete agreement. There was two ways he could have handled it. He chose the selfish way, and as result, has pretty much burned and spurned his entire XWA existence. He's not the first, and probably in all likely hold wont be the last. It happens in Efeds, whether it be for legitimate reasons (My reason for leaving APW when I did) or stupid ones (Most of the reasons why the people who left XWA are gone). But the show goes on. Losing Shia and his people isn't even a blow to the fed, because XWA so strong that it'll seem as if he was never even here to begin with. There'll be no punishment from this end, or from 3x, as you basically just said what everyone would say themselves given the chance. Just next time be a lil' more tactful. I know it's hard for you, but give it a spin
Post by punch on Aug 17, 2007 23:15:11 GMT -5
Sorry. It's Friday night and I've been sipping on Happy Sauce since Smackdown went off. I'm not gonna flame him or anything. In fact, what I said above is the ONLY thing I'll say about him, period. Never worked with the guy, but he seemed like one of the cool people. Looks can be deceiving apparently.
Post by Thr33XWA on Aug 17, 2007 23:17:37 GMT -5
As stated before, there was enough time for said person to make the necessary changes to their moveset. To my knowledge, Alpha had also helped him do edits in the past, another avenue that could have been taken but wasn't. Why? I have no idea. My response would be just being stubborn from what it is that I heard from him in a brief IM conversation, because to him it was "no big deal". No big deal basically burning several members now who were involved in storylines with his characters as well as us staffers as well who now have to break off our schedule to run a BR to crown a new champion, and why? Like I said, being stubborn is my immediate answer but in truth I have no idea. In lamen terms, he didn't follow guidelines and for whatever reason chose not to adjust to them. The result WOULD have been as stated in the moveset guidelines that Tessa loses by forfeit and as such cannot wrestle for a title for three shows, and that would have been the end of that.
Instead, he took his toys and ran home. Oh well...we don't need that kind of commitment or lack thereof here. There are rules in place to ensure balance between the CAWS that participate and there are quite a few people who can attest to me approaching them for edits just like I did Shia. They acknowledged that and will still be a part of our fed. He didn't and he won't. That's the story pretty much. I'm not going to do anything to penalize you cuz right now what you said to him is in essence what he said to us. Guess what though, we're still here...and things are only going to get better with...or without him.
Post by Kayn on Aug 18, 2007 1:55:33 GMT -5
barely dealt with any of the characters, so I really can't have any attachement to them, but all I have to say is it's happened before, it will happen again eventually and those of us that stick around will still wake up in the morning. I honestly don't see anyone's departure from here making this fall apart... except maybe is all the staff split and each wanted a piece of the business in a messy divorce.
I don't want to sound cold or anything, but if you're that egotistical to think that an efed circles around you and your characters (not including the creators of the efed of course) and that you don't have to follow rules, then screw you and kick rocks, we don't need that kind of ego when most of us are here to have fun.
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Post by LUCAS STYLES. on Aug 21, 2007 21:51:52 GMT -5
Man...for someone to flake out when they're so highly respected like that is just as Johnny said, lame duck shit...I might change it to mongoose shit just for originality though...yeah why not. I know it may sound stupid for ME to be saying it since ya know...the whole Lucas Klash-Styles dealio earlier in the season but thats a different reason altogether. Leaving a fed because your CAW is losing?
If I left when my characters lost I would have quite e-fedding a hell of a long time ago. Only one of my characters has hit SOME success...every other one that I've put out has had next to no success. But I still roleplay for the fact that its a ROLEPLAYING E-FED. Not just some dude simming matches for fun. Thats why XWA is the PWNage. Because its about having fun and roleplaying to the best of your ability...not winning or losing. Sure having the number in your sig next to the big "W" is nice but when it comes down to it...you don't have to be childish about a little plastic disk with little digital characters losing. Its a game...the roleplaying matters, get the fuck over it.
Damn I love ranting.
Post by MG on Aug 21, 2007 22:19:40 GMT -5
can I ask whats with the whole genesis thing
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Post by LUCAS STYLES. on Aug 21, 2007 22:23:11 GMT -5
[nutshell]Had a hunting moveset...refused to edit it, refused to let anyone else edit it for him, quit. Is an airhead.[/nutshell]
Post by gallas on Aug 21, 2007 22:37:08 GMT -5
[nutshell]Had a hunting moveset...refused to edit it, refused to let anyone else edit it for him, quit. Is an airhead.[/nutshell] No no no, Shia's caws had a certain run of success in XWA. Two of them were champions in The Storms. (National & Diamond). HE'S the one that had cheesy movesets. And it wasn't even ALL of his caws, it was just Tessa and Angel Storm. And the rest of his people were legit. But because he obviously didn't want to change Tessa's moveset (Convienient that Tessa was booked to face Cosette), he flaked. And Genesis decided HE wanted to flake because Shia did. Much like all the people who flaked from XWA in the past. Difference in the case of Genesis is that he's already burned his bridges with our "competition" as well. So he's essentially killed his efedding career. They both have. And the XWA ship rolls on as it always has and always will. And Kayn, so long as me or 3x have internet service, XWA's goin' NOWHERE. Only way this place gets shut down is if something is REAL LIFE forces us to have to close up shop. As long as there's one of us at the helm, there'll always be XWA.
Post by ames on Aug 21, 2007 22:42:15 GMT -5
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Post by LUCAS STYLES. on Aug 21, 2007 23:27:40 GMT -5
Amen To that. PRAISE JEBUS! My nutshelling was in reference to the whole Genesis thing. I more or less tried to synopsis it into a sentence.
Post by reddeath on Aug 22, 2007 19:55:21 GMT -5
No bad talking Genesis, or I might just lose all respect for you. Sure, he can make bad decisions sometimes, but don't think for a minute that he isn't loyal to the ones that show HIM proper respect. Like Lionheart, Shia, etc... They treat him with the proper respect, he treats them with the proper respect. When Lionheart and Shia felt they were being treated unfairly, and left- so did he.
And as for the Shia situation- the way I look at it, his leaving was justified. His CAWs weren't within the XWA's standards? He leaves. Rather than change his creations to suit OTHER PEOPLE'S NEEDS, he left. Why is that wrong? It's HIS CAW to work with, isn't it? And isn't it about the RPing anyway?
Which takes me to their efedding careers in general... Don't think for a second that they're done with. These guys could RP the pants off of a few guys on this board, and will continue to do so for as long as their real lives will allow them.
END! And I suggest this thread be locked now.
Post by gallas on Aug 22, 2007 21:04:18 GMT -5
If Genesis wasn't treated with RESPECT, he wouldn't have been granted two title shots in a row, PLUS a shot at the KoC title from which Lionheart created. So do come again with that one. You have no idea what went on into Genesis' leaving NOR do you have any idea what goes on behind the scenes in XWA, between 3x, Lionheart, Omega AND myself. So in that, you comments are pretty unwarrented. Further more, I could care less about if you respect me less or anyone else on the board less for "bad mouthing" Genesis. The fact of the matter was and IS this, he might be a good role player, but he's a BAD APPLE. And bad apples ruin the bunch. Damien Juarez anyone? Same thing. A good role player who thought he was bigger then the people who ran the respective feds he was in. The end result of his actions? He's pretty much STUCK in VWE with his character because no other fed wants a part of him OR his crap. Ditto for Genesis. Genesis went to APW, ruffled feathers, and got ceremoniously ousted from there fed, by way of an encounter with Pornstar, who we ALL know is handled by one Jonny Pyro, who runs FCW. So let's see, APW's kicked him out, and Pyro has VERBALLY stated that he doesn't like the guy. Only other place for Gen to go is what??? VWE, where ALL of the guys in APW and FCW are basically dug in. Lots of luck him even gettin' outta the gates there. In XWA, we dont do politics. We do an EFED. And right now this efed is the best in the business. You can try and sugar coat it all you want, but just look at the membership jump within the last MONTH compared to our "competition". People want to be here, because this place is about quality, and UNLIKE any of those other places, this place is about LOYALTY. The base members of XWA have stuck to being XWA, and when someone comes along and tries to stir the pot, that person losses face. And in regards to Shia, there are RULES IN PLACE that STATE that movesets must be made to be COMPETITIVE. How fair would it be if I used my tournament version Evan Fate in XWA that pretty much targets the body? Shia opted to pull his people because STAFF, that being 3x told him A WEEK prior to the show that Tessa's moveset had to be changed. We've told PLENTY of members over the months the same thing when they submit and invalid moveset. Further more it is STATED IN RIGHTING by 3x in THIS POST... XWA Moveset RegulationWhat the consequences of submitting an invalid moveset would be. So in all fairness, 3x tossed Shia a BONE giving him a week to edit TESSA'S moveset. It wasn't even all of his caws, Just Tessa and Angel Storm. Tessa, who conveniently was booked in a title match. Much rather then play by RULES THAT'S BEEN IN PLAY, he opted to tuck tail and leave. And as Kayn said himself: "If you're that egotistical to think that an efed circles around you and your characters and that you don't have to follow rules, then screw you and kick rocks" We as STAFF even abide by these rules. ALL versions of our caws are edited versions of our original caws because the original version are made for actual PLAYING of the game, not simming. So the original versions of them have far stronger movesets. If 3x were to use the ORIGINAL and and TRUE Jon Payne in XWA, NO ONE would be able to beat him. That's just plain fact. And FORGET if I used the actual non-efed version of Primo. The rules are put in place to make ALL CAWS competitive. The members who are able to find a balance in the guidelines placed for movesets, are the ones who's caws have won more then lost. And that DOESN'T count for our own. Hell, Ryan Fierhart is now JUST over .500 with 7 wins and 5 losses, where as a "needlestack" guy like Nick Jones, who wasn't that active has slipped into a quiet 5-1. No records DON'T matter in XWA, but despite that, we want our matches to play out competitively. THAT'S the reason why even now, with just two months left in the season we're STILL trying to find ways to make matches longer and more competitive. Members who wish to take shortcuts with "Hunter" moveset do NOT factor into the XWA equation. roughly the 95 total people that make up the XWA roster (And I say 95 because there are a few who control more then one character) GET IT. She didn't, was called out on it by 3x, and tucked tail instead of adapting. Call it what you want, most will call it plain old selfish. Some, Like Punch would call it stupid. Me, I call it a show of one's "True Colors". The fact remains that this ship is the TIGHTEST ship because unlike VWE which has rules out of the wazoo, we have VERY few, but we enforce them to the LETTER (Ask Scott O'Dell, he'll tell you). We keep this place fair and fun, and if anyone sees to disrupt that, they can do what both of them did. Leave. It was there choice, sure. But after November, there's gonna be FAR less choices out there. The bottom line, we didn't blacklist either of them. They did that to themselves. Because no matter where they go, it's not even what they did in TNB that'll follow em. It'll be what they did in XWA that'll define there efed careers. And unless the two of em up and start there own, I don't see much of a career left for either of em. Something things you can't stave off, and this is one of them. You go to FCW and APW and see if they'll ever even CONSIDER having either of those two in there fed.
Post by ashley on Aug 22, 2007 21:18:54 GMT -5
If I may so bold as to say, I'm for the most part in complete agreement with Kaoz on both standpoints. There's been an unwritten rule on movesets pretty much since the jump, only since last month had 3x seen need to put it writing, since I'm guess alot of people were trying to get over with unfair movesets. And from what I've learned, Shia was given over week to send him and edit, and when showtime came, instead of biting the bullet, he flaked. No matter how you slice it, that's a dick move. You can't even try to justify that. That's a selfish thing to do, on account that he basically left several people hanging in terms of storylines and character development (Most notably Alpha-Zro and his Alex Wyle character). In that he's pretty much shot himself in the foot of EVER return here and soiled his good name because he WAS such a respected member.
As for Genesis, I pretty much went to bat for him in APW, as Kaoz and Omega can confirm the first time he had it out with Pornstar. Did I have to? No. But I felt it necessary because I did truly like his character gimmick. I managed to read some of his TNB stuff when XWA and TNB were on the same board, and I dug the idea of him being here. But there's a thin line between being loyal and being stupid. If you had a decent job, and you're friend quit because he was basically cheating to succeed and got caught for it, would you quit two, Mr. Williamson? KNOWING that you're name is pretty much mud everywhere else you can go to shop your services to? I think not.