Post by MG on May 9, 2007 18:12:02 GMT -5
The 4 games that is going to decide the fate of wrestling games of this genaration of games
Post by makhaveli on May 10, 2007 7:11:46 GMT -5
They haven't even been released yet. If you haven't tasted McDonalds, nor did you have already had some Burger King, you can't say which is better until you try both out. This thread is useless IMO.
Post by xwa on May 10, 2007 7:23:08 GMT -5
Yea dude. You can't make a poll on games that haven't been released yet.
Post by MG on May 10, 2007 15:37:32 GMT -5
What Iam really trying to say is what game you think would be hot in the future so far
Post by makhaveli on May 10, 2007 15:58:02 GMT -5
TNA can be cut out of this as we haven't seen shit, except a gay short preview.. And it wasn't even an in-game shot. SD vs RAW 08 will be dissapointing. I can already smell it.. Caw-Mode overhaul.. God damn.. And I can't wait until they take out another few million moves and either delete them or move them to the finisher only category.
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Hail Destroyer
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Post by Trouble* on May 10, 2007 17:16:20 GMT -5
Pro Wrestling X has a video gay coming out? Well, I'll remember NOT to pick it up. Mtv shouldnt have wrestling. Plain and simple.
I'm a TNA fan, although I doubt It'll make an impact, and 08 will be all looks/no play. That leaves the other one, which I have no clue about.
Post by MG on May 10, 2007 17:57:28 GMT -5
ryan,not wsx pro wrestling x check it out on google and check wrestling encore on youtube and check URWL it is hot