May 3, 2007 21:56:13 GMT -5
Post by Kimberly Angelos on May 3, 2007 21:56:13 GMT -5
May 3, 2007 22:01:52 GMT -5
Post by vikram on May 3, 2007 22:01:52 GMT -5
That's wrong on so many levels...LMAO!!! Good one right there.
May 4, 2007 0:16:40 GMT -5
Post by xwa on May 4, 2007 0:16:40 GMT -5
May 4, 2007 1:02:04 GMT -5
Post by undefined on May 4, 2007 1:02:04 GMT -5
I feel that image offends me. ;_;
May 4, 2007 1:28:08 GMT -5
Post by Thr33XWA on May 4, 2007 1:28:08 GMT -5
I say in another year or two that pic will have to be reversed, but out of the gates? Yeah...PS3 is not doing so well.
May 4, 2007 7:51:29 GMT -5
Post by makhaveli on May 4, 2007 7:51:29 GMT -5
May 4, 2007 8:13:45 GMT -5
Post by Kimberly Angelos on May 4, 2007 8:13:45 GMT -5
May 4, 2007 8:54:56 GMT -5
Post by makhaveli on May 4, 2007 8:54:56 GMT -5
I wonder what your dreams look like at night then.
May 4, 2007 14:46:22 GMT -5
Post by adam on May 4, 2007 14:46:22 GMT -5
The saving grace is going to be when the PS3's first price drop happens. We'll see how far ahead Nintendo and Microsoft stay when THAT happens. ALL HAIL SONY!!!
May 4, 2007 15:11:48 GMT -5
Post by xwa on May 4, 2007 15:11:48 GMT -5
In terms of sheer power, ps3 blows 360 and the revolution away. In terms of pricing, the revolution blows 360 and ps3 away. Once the price drop happens, 360 and revolution will be almost non existant.
May 4, 2007 15:49:39 GMT -5
Post by Kimberly Angelos on May 4, 2007 15:49:39 GMT -5
In terms of sheer power, ps3 blows 360 and the revolution away. In terms of pricing, the revolution blows 360 and ps3 away. Once the price drop happens, 360 and revolution will be almost non existant. your forgetting one very very very important thing...well 2..the first is super smash brother brawl.. the second being the fun fact the wii blows the other games in because this gen the 360 and even more the ps3 are not going to have third party exclusives that much. devil may cry is on the 360...GTA is on the 360 and rumors have it on the wii... so come christmas 07 the wii will be right where its at now on the top of the heap.. and another thing graphics dont make a system good...real gamers care about play not looks
May 4, 2007 17:40:13 GMT -5
Post by xwa on May 4, 2007 17:40:13 GMT -5
You forget the MASS following of the Playstion console. The Xbox hardly had a lot of RPG's, same with the Cube(more games aimed towards kiddy's). The Playstation console has a shit ton of RPG games(not to mention, as far as I know, the Final Fantasy series is pretty much exclusive for the Playstation, one of Sony's best selling games). And that's just the tip of the ice berg. They also delve into other game genres, but RPG's are the bread and butter of the Playstion. Lots of gamers like having a game they can dive into and spend hours upon hours on. That's half the fun. Of course, short games have their place too . Also, what you seem to forget, is nowadays, many of the teenagers are more for the "oooh, look, pretty" than actual game mechanics(and that too has a large following), and don't forget, one of the first things of selling items, is eye catchyness. If it's not eye catchy, chances are, ppl will look over it(unless it's a well known name.) fyi, you may also notice that I call the new nintendo system Revolution. That's because I refuse to call it the dumb name it is now. Also, when it comes to graphics, I like to play a game that's not going to hurt my eyes. Now, as for actual playing, I don't know how the revolution's controller is, but it looks neat and I'm sure it gives a lot of interactiveness when it comes to it's games. But pound of pound, nintendo's games(nowadays) just don't stand up to the quality of the games that the Playstationj puts out. I could sit here and name the great number of games, but we'd be here awhile . As for super smash brother brawl. Yes, the Super Smash games are fun. But if you're going to compare 1 game against an entire system, then you're not comparing much. Pound for Pound, in terms of Console specs, PS3 blows the Revolution out of the water, not to mention that the PS3 supports the Blu-Ray system, which inturn, means more space for games, assuming that the game makers actually use the entire space(could you imagine a Raw vs Smackdown game on Blu-Ray? god damn!). GTA 4 is on the 360, so? GTA 4 is also going to be on the PS3 - www.gta4.net/news/index.php - Grand Theft Auto IV is due to be released in the USA on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on October 16th 2007And from what I've read, GTA 4 will most likely be NOT] on the revolution. Since it's a nintendo system, and the majority of the games are aim'd towards the kiddy demo, I highly doubt that we'll see a game with the violence of GTA ever grace that console. You wanna talk about fun fact? TONS of Playstation games have a fun factor. Infact, ALL video games have a fun factor. So, saying that the Revolution brings a fun factor to games, is weak, at best. I'm not really too sure how the 3rd party exclusives will affect the console race at this point in time. Well, I think I have spoken enough regarding this post. Enjoy
May 4, 2007 18:15:10 GMT -5
Post by shia on May 4, 2007 18:15:10 GMT -5
My opinion on this is that, Right now, Xbox 360, and ps3 have the better game play, and graphics, and the WII is good, but the way things are set up is a bit different, and some aren't used to it. It's something that will take time to get used. It's hard to base that one system is better than the other off of one game because there could be lots that aren't as good.
May 4, 2007 19:06:38 GMT -5
Post by Shawn Hollywood on May 4, 2007 19:06:38 GMT -5
I like playing with my "Wii" as much as the next man, but I'd like to play with my PS3 more. The reasons why the PS3 is currently failing is 1) Price to buy it and 2) the price to make the games. But! In a year or years, that'll all change. The Wii is basically just something to whack off with your friends. Basically, it's a party machine, and you play it for the hell of it. Kinda like Guitar Hero. People like to party, and whack off, so they get their Wii. But, if you want to play games for their QUALITY, people will start buying PS3s...slowly but surely. As for the 360, it's a pwn machine. I'd rather go for it right now than a PS3 or Wii. But once that price drop comes, I'll get a PS3... But why should you pay $200+ to play with your Wii?
May 4, 2007 19:15:18 GMT -5
Post by Kayn on May 4, 2007 19:15:18 GMT -5
Only reason I'd get a Wii is because you can download NES, and SNES games. That's it, screw the rest of it, PS3 all the way \m/